【每日如学】2023年8月21日教育孩子要慢慢地诱导,慢慢地帮助他们培养自主学习的兴趣,就像文火炖小鱼一样。雪漠 著《老子的心事》伍 August 21, 2023Educating a child requires that you guide them gradually, helping them gradually developing a passion for independent learning, like cooking small fish slowly on low heat.Xue Mo
【每日如学】2023年8月21日教育孩子要慢慢地诱导,慢慢地帮助他们培养自主学习的兴趣,就像文火炖小鱼一样。雪漠 著《老子的心事》伍
August 21, 2023Educating a child requires that you guide them gradually, helping them gradually developing a passion for independent learning, like cooking small fish slowly on low heat.Xue Mo
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