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The Three Realms of the Diamond Sutra

2013-11-21 15:17 来源:Let heart belong to you 作者:Xue Mo Translator:Wangfeng Ting Reviser: Zhao Yuan 浏览:54838347


The Three Realms of the Diamond Sutra


I invariably chant sutras in a state of mind enlightening. When I chant, I am attached neither to the past mind, nor to the future mind, nor to the present. Privately, I think the word “obtained” in “the three minds can’t be obtained” means “attached to.” Of course, this is my personal opinion. Different people may have different understandings of a sutra.


Chanting sutras can elevate one’s personality; “be immersed in the sutra-pitaka and have wisdom as deep and wide as the ocean,” so to speak. Which sutra should we chant, then? And how should we chant it?


Which sutra to chant depends on what disease you have in your mind. For all sutras can lead us out of suffering and to happiness; they are equal and there should be no discrimination. But in the dharma one practices, appropriateness counts. If it is appropriate, it is a good dharma; if not, problems will arise. Before I entered into the Bright Mahamudra, I had been chanting the Diamond Sutra for years. In the end, I attained the emptiness of both subject and object, which was very close to the state of the true mind.


As to how to chant sutras, I have no idea how other people do it, so I can only talk about my own experience. I invariably chant sutras in a state of mind enlightening. When I chant, I am attached neither to the past mind, nor to the future mind, nor to the present. Privately, I think the word “obtained” in “the three minds can’t be obtained” means “attached to.” Of course, this is my personal opinion. Different people may have different understandings of a sutra. When you find that your mind is impermanent and falls into emptiness and that it can’t be grasped and has no everlasting self-nature, it means it is “unobtainable.” It is in the state of the unobtainability of the three minds – which is not a mere concept, but a way of life – that I chant sutras.


In the following sentences from the Diamond Sutra, – “They should develop a mind which does not abide in anything,” “Their minds should abide nowhere,” etc. – the word “abide” I interpret as “be attached to” as well. As “they should develop a mind which does not abide in anything,” the “three  minds” are unobtainable. In this state, you are likely to find your true mind. Needless to say, you must spend time with a reliable teacher, without whom you will miss the chance to recognize your true mind.


The main purpose of chanting sutras is to perceive and experience the state of the unobtainability of three minds and retain your unshakeable true mind in daily life. The two problems that a practitioner tends to encounter in chanting the Diamond Sutra are: first, he understands the realm in principle but fails to attain it in perception; second, he is able to retain his true mind when he is in seated meditation, but he fails to keep that state in daily life.


How can we extend the meditative state into daily life? By keeping in mind the three realms in the Diamond Sutra and practicing diligently. After seeing your true mind, try to bring about its marvelous functions in your daily activities.


First of all, you should understand what is meant by “All phenomena are like a dream, an illusion, a bubble and a shadow, like dew and lightning. Thus should you meditate upon them.” Everything before your eyes passes away as quickly as a dream, an illusion, a bubble and a shadow, for they are all causally produced. For example, you and I meet today, and you are leaving in a few days. Though it seems to be a phenomena, it is essentially empty and impermanent. Once you leave, the scene before your eyes disappears; like a dream, it is not eternal. Likewise, this house looks firm now, but an earthquake can ruin the whole city, not to mention a building. Even if it is not destroyed in an earthquake, it will be demolished and rebuilt within decades. You see, all phenomena are void of self-nature and are unobtainable, without fixed nature, so don’t cling to them. This is the first realm.


The second realm: “They should develop a mind which does not abide in anything.” To “abide” is to be attached to the thoughts in your mind. “Not abide in anything” means letting thoughts come and go as they will and not following them. “Develop a mind” is a marvelous function of the true mind. The true mind is not only-emptiness, but wisdom. With emptiness but without wisdom, you can’t attain liberation and you may even fall into the formless realm. Therefore, do things with the awareness of your true mind and act out your true mind.


The last realm: “If an arhat thinks, ‘I have obtained the enlightenment of an arhat,’ he will still grasp and hold on to the notion of an ego, a personality, a being and a life.” If a yogi says, “I have attained Mahamudra,” it indicates that he is still obsessed with what he has attained, that is, he isn’t fully achieved, because he has yet one more test to pass.


You should let go of the notion that you are achieved rather than attach yourself to it. In other words, if you, having knocked emptiness all into one, are still attached to emptiness, it is called attachment to dharma or attachment to phenomenal appearances. That is obsession in another form, which is another rope with which to bind yourself. Only when you are attached to nothing can there be ultimate liberation. With attachment, there is no liberation. If you, having attained Mahamudra, are attached to the illumination of Mahamudra, you will fall into the form realm; if you are attached to emptiness, you will fall into the formless realm; if you are attached to great bliss, you will fall into the desire realm. The true mind transcends all names and forms.


That’s why the Diamond Sutra is deemed a revealed doctrine scripture. When you not only understand the three realms in it in principle, but perceive and experience them physically, you are liberated. But some people say that the Diamond Sutra is too abstruse for the capacities of contemporary people.


It is not right. Dharma is like medicine. There are as many afflictions as there are methods of dealing with them. You shouldn’t say that no method but this one can deal with afflictions. For example, you shouldn’t say that, though pills of six drugs with rehmannia are good medicine, they don’t suit contemporary people. Likewise, since a certain dharma exists, it certainly will suit the capacities of certain people.


Some practitioners are particular about phenomena. For instance, they are concerned about such matters as the position of your fingers when performing the ritual of flicking wine or where you should direct your eyes when meditating, one foot away or further away. As a matter of fact, no matter where you flick wine, you can attain emptiness. For however you flick wine, that which is in your mind remains unchanged. It is far more vital to understand how to perceive your nature and how to liberate yourself.


One day, a few old ladies visited me. They had laid the mundane life aside and devoted their life to meditative practice for many years. I asked them, “What do you meditate for?” They didn’t know. I asked, “Do you know the purpose of your practicing?” Again, they didn’t know. “Haven’t someone told you that before?” I asked. “Never,” they replied. There are many like them, some of whom have lost faith and some dead – whey they were dying, they still didn’t know what they had been practicing and how to do it. That’s why I thought I should no longer keep silent; otherwise, I were doing them a great disservice. It was after this incident that I began to meet some people and tell them such things as the true meaning of liberation, the real purpose of Buddhist practice, and what state they must arrive at before they can attain liberation.


Practice in its outward form can never lead to liberation. The color of water is not the essence of water; its essence is something else. A few formal tricks certainly will not bring about liberation.








































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