【每日如学】2023年10月31日真正掌握真理的人,是不会与任何人为敌的,他不但会真心随喜别人的成功,还会主动去成就别人,帮助别人早日成功。雪漠 著《老子的心事》伍 October 31, 2023Those who have really mastered the truth will never make enemies with anybody. Not only would they feel truly happy for other people’s success, but they would actively help others achieve their goals and help them succeed. Xue Mo
【每日如学】2023年10月31日真正掌握真理的人,是不会与任何人为敌的,他不但会真心随喜别人的成功,还会主动去成就别人,帮助别人早日成功。雪漠 著《老子的心事》伍
October 31, 2023Those who have really mastered the truth will never make enemies with anybody. Not only would they feel truly happy for other people’s success, but they would actively help others achieve their goals and help them succeed. Xue Mo
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