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Navel fire warm happy self-burning(6)

2012-06-28 04:42 来源:Mahamudra: Essence and Practice 作者:Xue Mo Translator:WanPeng Sun 浏览:60045403


Navel fire warm happy self-burning 6


3) Strong fire yoga. The strong fire of the path status uses what the path depends upon as Yuan to set up fire, i.e. using Suo Yuan, including seeds, hand flags, Buddha statues, fire, bright dot and Nada, to set up the fire. A bunch uses karma wind to ignite. Especially, Dakini Ocean states to use the wind breath of Raojiang (left right nadi) with vowel consonant appearance to set up the fire. Vajra Bun states to use the wind breath of central nadi only to set up the fire. Shi Lun states three methods, to group down-going wind breath to burn, using wind breath to set up the fire, and using the self body with tantra meditation method to set up fire. The fire nature of burning overpasses the dharma nature of crude part fine dust, therefore it is a kind of brightness without obstruction. Functions of the status of individual self-enlightened achievement are experienced as root concentration, wind yoga etc have become god strength, burning the habit Qi in the Aggregates Kingdom and inducing the four happiness and four emptiness and that which can act as the increasing Yuan of wisdom fire. Although it is not external fire, it is as warm as fire due to the blessing strength of yoga. The three qualities of burning, which are respectively entering, staying, and dissolving, can form small, medium and large burning. Its entience is that wisdom which is born from the Yuan created by strong fire burning joy into the form of fire. Since strong fire is the treatment to thinking according to sutra, it is the upright treatment using wisdom to contemplate. It cannot be made only by warmth. There are three such kinds of wisdom: non-discrimination, happy, and obvious. Non-discrimination wisdom blocks the wandering of wind breath and changing of root according to environment due to the appearance of burning strong fire, therefore it extinguishes contemplation and then stays in non-discrimination. Happy wisdom is due to the burning of strong fire, therefore, happy wisdom arises due to the melting of Bodhi-chitta. Obvious wisdom, because all wrong ideas of the two takings of Neng and Suo are purified in the central nadi, happy empty or bright empty dual practice appears as third part which can be imagined. Fruit status strong fire, Shi Lun states “wisdom fire is extremely strong, it can burn all ghosts and their status”. This says that the function of subduing devil is Superior Observation Wisdom.

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