《猎原》出版后,在全国引起很大反响,除获得“中国作家大红鹰文学奖”外,还多次登上人民文学出版社“专家推荐排行榜”,并曾与《狼图腾》并列第一(见《当代•长篇小说选刊》2004年第六期)。《人民日报》、《新华文摘》、《文学报》、《文艺报》、《文汇读书周报》等媒体进行了评介,有关专家称:“《猎原》题材厚重,内涵深刻,怵目惊心,令人警醒,折射出大西北自然与人,历史与现实的生存形态。人物形象生动鲜活,语言极富艺术表现力,是写大西北地域文化不可多得的作品。”著名评论家雷达先生称其为“《大漠祭》之后的又一力作,深厚、大气、严酷、细腻,以生活的深刻性见长。”著名评论家孟繁华认为:“《猎原》是一曲苍茫辽远的凉州词。”著名评论家闫晶明称:“《猎原》里的众多人物穿行在众多动物当中,在与自然的角逐中,人与人的争斗更具深度和内涵。”“人的生活也是作者表现的重点。在人与自然之间的思考历史和文化,努力展现普遍丧失的野性和力量,客观上弥补了在柔性上的不足。” (《文艺报》2004年6月8日)原《人民文学》常务副主编崔道怡为《文学报》著文道:“只要人类尚未进入大同世界,(《猎原》)其形象所昭示的意义便会长存。我甚至发奇想:为免西夏文书命运,应该借助先进科技,把这部书发射到另外一个星球去。亿万光年之后,那个星球上的生命研究宇宙,《猎原》就会成为一份参照:‘噢,地球是这样毁灭的。’”评论家白烨为《文汇读书周报》撰文称:“(《猎原》)是在作品那浑朴淳厚的事象中,似乎裹藏了含而不露的意向,那就是在为西部造影中反思西部,在为人生摹相中审视人生。”《文汇报》、《小说评论》等报刊也选发了李星、朱辉军等人的评论,对《猎原》给予很高的评价。
著名评论家雷达先生在《中华读书报》“著名评论家回望2008文坛”一文中说:“雪漠的《白虎关》是一部生命体验饱满、细节描写精彩的,表现农民西部生存的作品,非常耐读,坚实有力,还没有引起足够的注意。”同时,《读者》杂志(大字版)2009年第4期选发了雷达先生在《08年我看好的几本书》一文中说: “《白虎关》,雪漠著。长篇小说。在去年所有的排行榜和评奖中,都没有这部小说的踪影,但我认为它是08年最好的小说之一。比作者自己的《大漠祭》高出了不少。仍写西部农民,仍写生存的磨难和生命力的坚韧,但细节饱满,体验真切,结构致密,并能触及生死,永恒,人与自然等根本问题,闪耀着人类良知和尊严的辉光。一部能让浮躁的心沉静下来的书。”
《大手印实修心髓》是作家雪漠的哲学著作,全书50多万字,由甘肃民族出版社出版,已被翻译为英文,在美国、加拿大引起反响。该书共分为五编:第一编 大手印的理论基础:瑜伽心性学;第二编 香巴噶举大手印文化的历史渊源;第三编 香巴噶举大手印文化的载体;第四编 我的大手印文化实践;第五编
《大手印实修心髓》发行之后,在文化界学术界引起了强烈反响,曾为贡唐仓大师翻译整理年谱的藏学家、《甘南报》原主编纪天材先生认为:“该书填补了国内外对香巴噶举文化的研究空白,为香巴噶举矗起了一座文化丰碑。”称其“点透”了千年来佛教很少“点透”的奥秘,必将在佛教文化史上留下重重的一笔。 加拿大佛教学者孙万朋博士称:“《大手实修心髓》是系统阐述大手印文化的巨著,具有划时代的文化意义和深远的历史意义。该书的作者雪漠先生既是著名作家又是优秀的瑜伽行者,其《大手印实修心髓》一书对濒临湮没的大手印文化进行了抢救,是一本不可多得的文化著作。”“香巴噶举历来以实修为主,不图虚名,历时千年传承至今,保存了最系统、最完整、最纯粹的大手印传承。雪漠既是受益者,也是传承链上的重要一环。他对中国传统文化及西方文化都有很深的造诣。他吸收了人类诸多优秀文化的精髓,更经过了十几年如一日的修证实践,无论其‘教’和‘证’,以及其胸怀、其见地、其学养,都远远超越了传统的宗教实践者。”
Xue Mo and his literature
Xue Mo, formerly known as Chan Kai-hong, born in Liangzhou of Gansu Province, professional writer of Chinese Writers Association, with Postgraduate degree at the Lu Xun Literature Institute and Shanghai's Writers’ Postgraduate Course, Shamba Kagyu cultural scholars, Mahamudra experts, has been awarded as the "Outstanding Experts in Gansu Province", Gansu Provincial Party Committee provincial government departments " Literary Master ", " Top-notch Creative Talents of Gansu Province" and so on. "The Xue Mo Novels" was included in the Master's research topics of Lanzhou University, Shanghai Normal University, Central University for Nationalities and other institutions of higher learning doctoral.
Xue Mo's literary representative includes the novel "A Cult of Vast Desert," "Hunting Ground," "White Tiger ‘s Gate" (the Shanghai Literature & Art Publishing House), etc., as well as his academic works as "My Soul Depended On", "The Ningtee of Mahamudra " (Gansu Ethnic Publishing House), etc., as have aroused strong repercussions at home and abroad. His works appeared in the "Yearbook of Chinese Literature" and "China's New Literary System", and won the "The Third Feng Mu Literature Prize", "Shanghai Award of Outstanding Long Novels", "Chinese Red Eagle Literature Prize”, and more than 10 other awards. He was nominated as the candidate for "the sixth Mao Dun Literature Award" and "Fifth National Book Award," and topped on the Chinese fiction list. "People's Daily", Xinhua News Agency, "Guangming Daily", "Wen Hui Paper," China Central Television and other media, regard his works as the "true sense of the western novel and rare art treasures". His works have been translated into many languages, and are considered a landmark of contemporary works of Western literature.
Address: Room 2-1-501, Mediterranean Garden, Tianyi Times Wuwei, Gansu
Zip: 733000
Tel : 13,893,570,670
Web site: www.XueMo.cn
Email: Xue Mo1963@163.com
QQ: 417825705
1, the Introduction of "A Cult of Vast Desert"
"A Cult of Vast Desert" is the masterpiece of Xue Mo, constitutes the "desert trilogy" together with the "Hunting Ground," "White Tiger’s Gate", as thus laying Xue Mo’s status in China's literary.
"A Cult of Vast Desert" is considered by experts as the "true sense of the western novel and rare art treasures", has won the " Outstanding Book Award of Shanghai Literature & Art Publication Group ", "Shanghai Book Prize", " Art Book Prize of 14th Session of East China Six provinces and One city "," Gansu Province Project Award "," First Prize of Dunhuang Arts Award"" Sixth Shanghai Outstanding Long Novella Award ", appeared in the" Yearbook of Chinese Literature "and" China's new Literature System " , and nominated as candidates of " the Fifth National Book Award "and" the sixth Mao Dun Literature Price, "crowned" Society of Chinese fiction Chinese fiction list in 2000, "won the" Third Feng Mu Literature Award. " "People's Daily", Xinhua News Agency, "Guangming Daily", "Wen Hui Paper," China Central Television and other media regard it as the "true sense of the western novel and rare art treasures". This novel has been adapted into 20-episode TV series. "Hunting Ground" (Beijing October Literary Press), was boarded on "Experts Recommended List" of the People's of Literature Publishing House ", and won the "China Red Eagle Literature Prize". In addition, he has published his collection of fiction "The Woe of Wolf "(China Federation of Literature Publishing House) and the scholarly monograph “Inside the Jiang Hu "," My Soul Depended On "and so on.”Xinhua Digest," "Harvest", "Short Story Monthly" and other magazines published his works, and some of them have been translated into many languages, are considered as the representative of the contemporary western literature
For the significance of "A Cult of Vast Desert", there are a variety of sayings. As "Wen Hui Paper" said, with very real emotions, amazing narrative force, the author is drawing a portrait of a peculiar western habits and the survival of the heavy reality." Famous critic Mr. Lei Da wrote in "Guangming Daily" that, ("A Cult of Vast Desert ") was an realistic, facial, exotic description of daily life with saturation of ink and intoxication of emotions, and it was buttressed by a deep excavation of the spirit of Chinese farmers. The jury of Feng Mu Literature Prize" spoke highly of the creation of Xue Mo from themes and other aspects, as said, In the literature, people are giving a lot of space to the lingering, warmth , sentimental emotions associated with decadence and banality , while Xue Mo’s work is full of life, and constitutes a powerful impact, shrouded with western landscape and western area culture, as well as the primitives and the simplicity all caused by the unique character of the western area, with the feelings and the ways of their expression, means that there are broader and richer resources to be exploited among Chinese literature. Xue Mo is not only concerned about people's livelihoods, he wants to reveal the basic state of human existence through the special situation of the western life and descriptions of experience. In the current literature, there has been a growing convergence of tone while the Xue Mo language style and character is a far more striking, with short, powerful, rich dynamic sentences, simple and profound meaning of the western dialects, as well as concise and straightforward manner of the speech, so that we get a new aesthetic experience. "
2, "Hunting Ground" Introduction
"Hunting Ground" is the Xue Mo’s second full-length novel with more than 350,000 words, was launched by Beijing October Literary Publishing House in 2003 as a key project of Beijing. "Chinese Writers" magazine published the first two elections in 2004, and in 2005, this book received the "China Red Eagle Writers Prize ". In 2004, "Hunting Ground" was ranked in the first place on the "Experts Recommended List" of People's Literature Publishing House
"Hunting Ground" starts with a poaching incident, and tells about the bloody competition of the two factions of the ranch and a series of stories, with the old hunters Meng Baye as clues. The technique of writing the novel is simple and natural, and it drew a vivid picture of the lives of vast rural areas in the west and the deep cultural psychology of people, creates a batch of new farmers in the west area with a reflection of the traditional pastoral culture, showing a strong awareness of tribulation. Magnificent desert scenery, all kinds of violent conflicts, strange customs, are like an adventurous journey toward the desert, rich and colorful cultural landscape, the survival of a heavy hard reality, the soul reborn, jungle-like living capacity, coupled with unforgettable life experience, unique insights on life, so that the work has a shockingly artistic charm.
After the publication of the book, "Hunting Ground” has aroused great repercussion in the country, in addition to the "China Red Eagle Literature Prize ", the People's Literature Publishing House has also repeatedly boarded it into the No one on "Experts Recommended List" together with "Wolf Totem". "People's Daily", "Xinhua Digest", "Literary Newspaper", "Wenhui Reading Weekly" and many other media reported the works as well. The experts said, "Hunting Ground”, with heavy subject, deep and shocking meaning, awaking insights, reflects the nature and the reality of survival patterns of northwest area. The vivid language, and highly artistic expression make it standing out in the field of northwest regional culture. The famous critic Mr. Lei Da regards it as another masterpiece after "A Cult of Vast Desert" with its deep, atmospheric, harsh, delicate depth of life. Prominent critic Meng Fan-hua said, “Hunting Ground "is a poetic works of Liangzhou. Yan Jing-ming, famous critic said, "Hunting Ground" is about many people walking through many animals with the nature of competition and people struggling. Cui Tao Yue, the Chief Editor of the “Literary Newspaper" said, as long as human beings not yet entered the world of Great Harmony, "Hunting Ground" s significance will be there forever. I even made fantasy that in order to avoid the fate of XiXia culture, we should make use of advanced technology, launch the book to another planet. And hundreds of millions of light years later, when the lives on the planet try to study the universe, "Hunting Ground" will become a reference to help them understand what a destruction process the earth has undergoing. Bai Ye, a critic said to Wen Hui Paper that Hunting Ground is a simple yet profound work, and it seems wrapped with hidden and unrevealed intention. It is an angiography reflection of the west area, and a portray of the lives there.
For the creation of “Hunting Ground", Xue Mo has spent 10 years walking in Liangzhou, repeatedly visited the grasslands and deserts, interviewed hundreds of farmers, hunters and shepherds, and collected a large number of art story that outsiders do not know about. He has described the lives and characters that are very rarely touched by other writers of Chinese literature field.
3, "White Tiger’s Gate" Introduction
The long novel "White Tiger’s Gate" is a key project of China Writers Association, and the book of 460,000 words was solemnly launched by the Shanghai Literature & Art Publishing House in August 2008. With the "A Cult of Vast Desert" and "Hunting Ground", these three books constitute the "desert trilogy" for which the writer Xue Mo spent twenty years, and they are regarded as masterpiece about the statues of the peasants in western China.
The former Chief Editor, famous critic Mr. Li Xing-wen said, Xue Mo was only 25 years old when he set up to write " A Cult of Vast Desert ", till September 2007 when "White Tiger’s Gate" was finalized, and published in 2008, Xue Mo was 45 years old. It is full two decades. Xue Mo has dedicated all his golden age to the farmer’s family in west area of this country, which is unprecedented in the history of Chinese literature. "(see Li Xing "Survival in the context of Western Modern Scroll - Reading Xue Mo’s Lao Shun series ")
"White Tiger’s Gate" upon publication, was boarded on "Experts Recommended List" of the People's Literature Publishing House, and "Contemporary Magazine", and won numerous applauses from these famous critics like Mr.Lei Da, professor Xiao-Ming Chen of Beijing University, professor YANG Jian-long at Shanghai Normal University, and many other experts with their comment published on "Literary Newspaper", "China Reading Newspaper", "Novel Comments" and other medias.
"White Tiger’s Gate" is a portrait of the lives of vast rural areas, exploiting into the deep cultural psychology of people and shaping the image of a group of fresh farmers in the west, as well as a reflection toward the traditional pastoral culture.
"White Tiger’s Gate" describes the difficulties and sufferings of contemporary rural area in the changing process of in a society renovation. A gold mine was found in White Tiger, people flocked into it from the village, and it subsequently became a small town. The old value system collapsed in the face of a huge social change and the new value system was just established. The soul is parched and the gloomy reality squeezes into this piece of land overwhelmingly.
Mr. Lei Da, a known critic said in "China Reading Newspaper" , looking back toward the well-known works in 2008, Xue Mo's" White Tiger’s Gate” is a brilliant works with full life experience, detailed description farmers living character in western area , while it has not yet attracted enough attention. Meanwhile, the" Reader "magazine (large print version) in 2009 issued Mr. Mr.Lei Da’s article "The best books worth reading in 2008" White Tiger’s Gate, " was not shown in the ranking of any kind, but he think it was one of the best novels in 2008, and it is better than the author's own" A Cult of Vast Desert". The book is still focusing on farmers in the west area, and still writing about the vitality to survive among the ordeal resilience, but with full details, and real experience, compact structure, and touch on life and death, eternal, fundamental issues such as between man and nature, shines with the human conscience and dignity, with compelling power to let an impetuous heart calm down.
"Chinese Writers" magazine release an article about "Jackals” in 2008(No. 9) and the "Jackals” is selected part of "White Tiger’s Gate". "Selected Novels", "Short Story Monthly" and other publications reproduced the article as well. Mr.Lei Da said in "Chinese Writers" that, Xue Mo is a novelist and Gansu's most prominent writer, holding the spirit of western culture with vigorous novel language from the western survival life, a bone-deep feeling toward desert. His "A Cult of Vast Desert" won a national reputation, established a vast and mighty Liangzhou style. Xue Mo has outstanding narrative ability and is adept at describing the rich texture of life. "Jackals” is like one of life's great allegory about two women. In order to seek their reason of existence, they were thrown into an unfamiliar desperate fate with beast, heat, thirst, and many unknown ...It seems that the soul of the two women were placed onto the chopping board of fate by those disasters and uncertainties, and tortured mercilessly. The soul started to grow tougher, the dignity of life started to arise. It was in a fighting against the inferno, the two women grew into real being. The fight against the jackals is extremely exciting session in the context of man and beast, good and evil, life and death, love and sentiment ... ... a lot of paradoxes like proposition stand up again and again, person's soul through the baptism is reshaped like two vivid lives leaping off the paper, carrying a compelling beauty as the magnificent snow-capped mountains in the western area. "Jackals” won the 2008’s "China's Ordos Writers Prize”
Literature professor of Beijing University, doctoral tutor, famous critic Chen Xiaoming published a report in the "Novel Comment " (2009 No. 1) entitled with Western narrative aesthetics and contemporary opportunities - Xue Mo “White Tiger’s Gate ". The article says, Xue Mo’s has been writing for its rugged desert of the western, it makes the western literature in China today even vigorous literary scene. A few years ago, Xue Mo's" A Cult of Vast Desert, ", " Hunting Ground " blowing fairly strong northwest wind, the recent Xue Mo‘s "White Tiger’s Gate" by the Shanghai Literature & Art Publishing House, would give us a clearer sense of Xue Mo creativeness, which is a prominent works of western area, shining and amazingly attractive.
Fudan University held a "White Tiger’s Gate" seminar on October 22, 2009. The seminar was organized by College of Liberal Arts Department of Fudan University, and chaired by the Associate Dean of Humanities Institution, Fudan University, Mr. Chen Si he
A consensus was made that the "White Tiger’s Gate" is the milestone works after Jia Ping-wa's "Qin Opera" in western China.
Chen Sihe believes that Western literature is the soul of contemporary Chinese literature. When reading "White Tiger’s Gate", the first thought come up into his mind is Xiao Hong's "Life and Death". In the modernization process, we have forgotten our own national spirit. Xue Mo just picked it up. "White Tiger’s Gate" is not a realistic novel, but the symbolism fiction. Chen Sihe mentioned that white tiger is on behalf of the West, Gate represents "gold." This "gold" symbolizes all turmoil, that is, everyone is faced with "White Tiger’s Gate", and the whole times are faced with "White Tiger’s Gate." The novel is about the desperate life of three women, a symbol of a national question, which is a big problem, a symbol of today's challenge in globalization process. The figure Yu’er‘s death is the most symbolic, a symbol of mental and physical struggle. When the flesh being crushed, and how the fire is going to make the life and soul to be sublimated, and this is real phoenix Nirvana.
Other experts have expressed their views as well. ZHU Xiaoru thinks Xue Mo has great artistic talent; few people can put their daily lives so thrilling as Xue Mo. YANG Jian-Long said: "Xue Mo's novels is characterized by thick accumulation of life experiences and distinction of character, which showing the tragic life out of the northwest desert, and these features are laying his presence in the literary world. Zhou Limin views that the Xue Mo really writes the soul of Chinese peasants; Wang Guangdong mentions that the Xue Mo novel reflects a boarder world through small viewpoint on the description of the farmers, which has also returned to the farmers themselves, and is a major breakthrough in China's local fiction; Yang Yang said that, generally speaking, the soul problem are mostly questioned by intellectuals, while in Xue Mo’s novels, it is done by the peasants. Zhang Xinying said that the "White Tiger’s Gate " is performing a full life tension; He Qing views that Xue Mo's novel embodies the spirit of humanism. Dr. Zhang Meng, and Zhu Mo of Fudan University said that the" White Tiger’s Gate “has full depth of compassion after Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky.
Zhuang Yinghao made a speech as a representative of Xue Mo’s reader, in his view, "White Tiger’s Gate" the about three women, and they were a symbol of the truth, kindness and beauty.
Writers Xue Mo said, with "A Cult of Vast Desert", "Hunting Ground" and "White Tiger’s Gate", he just wants to achieve three points: Firstly, in the rapid disappearance of the days, to build a value that ages can’t afford to destruct; secondly he wants to retain the history of agricultural civilization for the futures; thirdly, he wants to discover something good to make this world better. Xue Mo said that the real literature should be helping the human civilization, bringing progress and happiness; it should provide positive nourishment to the soul of people. Because a sense of happiness are from the mind, understand it or not, when a farmer is sleeping soundly, a multimillionaire may be about to commit suicide. When mankind are caught by narrow aggravation , greed, wrath, literature should be able to bring us awaking and tolerance, love and peace.
Shanghai Normal University and other colleges and universities will also use "White Tiger’s Gate" as research topics. In addition, the network appeared a number of grass-roots audience such as the Gu Zhicao, Tianchuan, Mingzi and others, and they organized "Xue Mo Novels Salon".
4, "The Ningtee of Mahamudra”
"The Ningtee of Mahamudra” is the philosophical works of the Xue Mo, the book has more than 500 thousand words, and published by the Gansu Ethnic Publishing House, The book has been translated into English in the United States and Canada. The book is divided into five parts: part one is of the theoretical foundation for Mahamudra and Yoga Mind Science; Part two Shamba Kagyu Mahamudra historical origins of the culture; III the carrier of Shamba Kagyu Mahamudra culture; Part fourth is the Mahamudra and cultural practices; and part V is about questions and answers of Mahamudra.
Namely, “lighting", "realizing", "visualizing" are the three main parts of the book.
"The Ningtee of Mahamudra," aroused strong reactions in the academic community after its release. Mr. Ji Tiancai, a master translator and ideologists who completed Chronicle for Kungtangcang said the book bridged the gap in terms of Shamba Kagyu study, and built a cultural monument. And he said that this book points thoroughly the mystery of thousands of years and will remain in the history of Buddhist culture. Canadian Buddhist scholar Dr. Sun Wanpeng said, The Ningtee of Mahamudra has systematically explained Mahamudra culture, and has great cultural significance and historical significance. The book's authors are both well-known writer, but also an excellent yoga practitioner. Shamba Kagyu is the most comprehensive and most pure Mahamudra heritage. Xue Mo is both a beneficiary, and an inheritor. He absorbed the essence of multiple cultural nutrition. His vision, as well as his mind, his insight, his cultivation, is going far beyond the traditional religious practitioners. "
Mahamudra culture is the essence of western culture, and the tradition has lasted for millennium. Xue Mo is not only beneficiaries of practitioners, but also an important inheritor. He has given new interpretations of Mahamudra, while keeping the essence of traditional culture. He has its unique insights, and makes Mahamudra a nourishment of intelligence in the contemporary culture.
Xue Mo views that the Mahamudra stresses both instant caring and ultimate achievements. And Mahamudra could be interpreted into Great Hand Seal "Great" means big vision, big heart, great compassion, "hands" stresses behaviour and contribution to society, and "Seal" means wisdom, and ultimate achievements. Xue Mo said cultures will make sense, only when it is embodied in the person's behaviour. Dr. Sun Wanpeng in Canada said the book bridge the cultural gap in terms of Shamba Kagyu study, and built a cultural monument.
For those who do not know Buddhism, this book will tell him what is the practice of Buddhism; who want to understand Tibetan Buddhism, he will see the unique landscape of Shamba Kagyu; for Buddhist , this book will bring him a greater and lasting belief, enable him to get some inspiration; for scholars, this book will provide him with a new cultural landscape; for the general reader, this book will tell him that there are another group of mankind using faith to guide and promote the life; while for literature lovers, this book will tell him writer Xue Mo has experienced such a unknown life episode.
The scholars in Fudan University, Lanzhou University, and Shanghai Normal University, etc. have begun to study ""The Ningtee of Mahamudra”.