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Qi nadi and bright dot(2)

2012-06-20 04:22 来源:Mahamudra: Essence and Practice 作者:Xue Mo Translator:WanPeng Sun 浏览:60061804

Qi nadi and bright dot(2)

Jianggong Guru introduced the five chakras (wheels) in the central nadi as follows:

Top Chakra: around as high as the Yintang (between the eyebows), there are 32 chakra petals, white, the cluster of petals are like an open umbrella. Also called the Great Joy Chakra.

Throat Chakra: at the height of the throat, there are 16 chakra petals, red, the cluster of petals are like an inverted umbrella. Also called the Sambhoga (enjoyment) Chakra.

Heart Chakra: at the height of the two nipples, there are 8 chakra petals, blue, the petals are flatly spread out. Also called the Dharma Chakra.

Navel Chakra: the height of the navel, there are 64 chakra petals, yellow, the cluster of petals are like an upright umbrella. Also called the Change Chakra.

Secret Chakra: at the root part of Duoji, there are 32 chakra petals, green, the cluster of petals is like an inverted umbrella. Also called the Happy Receiving Chakra.

In meditation, these Three Nadi Five Chakra are the most important.

In addition, there are 72,000 nadi in human body, these nadi start to form gradually when foetus baby is in the womb. Humans breathe 21,600 times per day and night, Qi runs inside body, and there are five fundamental Qi, respectively:

Throughout Going Qi: mainly peacefully staying in the Top Chakra, and also circulates in all limbs and nadi channels in the body, in charge of volatility, walking and all movements of the body, white in colour. It is concentrated in the philtrum when meditating on Four Happy Four Empty, and when people are going to die.

Up Going Qi: lies in the Throat Chakra, in charge of eating, drinking, language and so on, red in colour.

Holding Life Qi: lies in the Heart Chakra, can induce and manipulate the energy that the Six Roots need, in charge of life, blue in colour.

Equal Qi: lies in the Navel Chakra, in charge of the Four Great Amiabilities and so on, yellow in colour, it will change after meditation of the illusory body.

Down Going Qi: lies in the Secret Chakra, in charge of relieving the bowels, reproduction, and so on, green in colour. It turns into the Wisdom of Great Joy after one achieves in dharma meditation.

In addition, there are the Five Branching Qi: Going Qi at the eyes, Following Going Qi at the ears, Normal Going Qi at the nose, Good Going Qi at the tongue, and Determining Going Qi at the heart, respectively in charge of the function of the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body.

There are three Fundamental Bright Dots:

1Nonperishable Bright Dot: lies in the Heart Chakra, this bright dot does not perish or extinguish no matter how one is re-born. But just before achieving Buddhahood, this bright dot turns into the illusory body, and can also turn into Buddha kingdoms.

2“Buddha Father Heriga” Bright Dot: lies in Top Chakra, this is the bright dot from the father’s body, white and bright in colour, the size of a bean, this bright dot is the source of great joy.

3“Buddha Mother Vajravarahi” Bright Dot: lies in the Navel Chakra, this is the bright dot from the mother’s body, red in colour, the size of a bean, this bright dot is the source of mystic heat.

Apart from the three fundamental bright dots, there is a bright dot in each of five great chakras of the central nadi, their colours from Top Chakra to Secret Chakra are respectively: white, red, blue, yellow, and green, and all of them are the size of a canola seed.

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