【每日如学】 2023年10月14日 要知道,负面情绪就像皮球,你狠狠地把它扔出去时,固然会觉得舒服了许多;可它一旦反弹过来,以更大的力道砸向你,把你砸得鼻青脸肿,你就会叫苦不迭,悔不当初。所以,千万不要发脾气。 雪漠 著《老子的心事》伍 October 14, 2023 You should know that negative emotions are like a ball, and when you throw them hard, you will naturally feel much more comfortable; however, once it bounces back and hits you with even greater force, you will be black and blue, and instantly feel regret and complain incessantly. So, never lose your temper. Xue Mo