【每日如学】 读书要一本一本地读,一个字一个字地品味;做事要一件一件地做,一步一步地完成;调心要一个念头一个念头地观察,一个细节一个细节地对治和放下;坏习惯要一点一点地清除,一次一次地面对和打碎;好习惯要一点一点地养成,一天一天地坚持和完善……只要能一直这样走下去,你就能走出很远。 雪漠 著《老子的心事》伍
You read by finishing one book at a time, savoring the content word by word; you work by completing one task at a time, accomplishing the goal step by step; you train your mind by observing one thought at a time, dealing and clearing them detail by detail; you eliminate bad habits one bit at a time, facing and smashing them occasion by occasion; you cultivate good habits one bit at a time, sticking to them and consolidating them day by day … as long as you move forward like this, you will eventually make great progress. Xue Mo |