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Changes Start from Your Mind

2012-12-24 09:04 来源:Let heart belongs to you 作者:Xue Mo Translator:Wangfeng Ting Reviser:Li Ling Zhao Yuan 浏览:58972806


Section Three: Get on Well with Your Mind-Nature


Changes Start from Your Mind


The essence of life is filling up the vast void with your behavior. Besides the significance and value of your conduct, what you can leave to this world is nothing but your images in photos, the deeds you have done, the several books you have written, and the experiences in which you have brought people to understanding and happiness.


Once you start to change your mind, you will find that many things start to change accordingly.


Many years ago, when I was still working at the city Board of Education, any noise would interrupt my writing. At that time, as my family and I lived together, I found it extremely hard for me to concentrate on writing.  I hoped to have a house of my own. When I made this request, our office director said to me, “What’s the problem with you? Why on earth can’t you write when there are people around?” His words were a revelation to me. From then on, I began to train myself so that I could concentrate on writing whether or not there were people around. In the end, I could write in any noisy environment.


 Things like this are, in fact, bad habits. You must understand that a bad habit can be changed. When you discover your bad habit, you must change it. That is what we call “counteraction.” We counteract our habituated tendencies because we should allow nothing to affect our inner peace.


When my father passed away, everyone was crying, but I remained calm. Although I was very sad about my father’s leaving us, it couldn’t affect my inner peace. My mind still stayed in the suchness.


We should begin by changing ourselves and begin with the present moment. Don’t rely on the future, nor on others, especially your family. You must change yourself so that you can enter into your mind under any condition and retain your true mind. When your mind becomes the master of itself, you will get peace, happiness, and freedom and you will become increasingly healthy and peaceful.


If you change yourself first, the happiness you get from it will be much more than that from seeing a book like this published. That is why I often spend much time chatting with people with whom I am bound up. For their behavior may be as important as one of my books. Perhaps this world doesn’t need any one of my books but it needs those people around me. The acquisition of happiness by changing themselves certainly has effects on this world; indeed, it is changing this world.


Whatever you do, whether it is your job or your hobby, from it you can get nourishment, which include: wisdom gained after suffering, happy experiences of encountering beautiful things, and precious life experiences. Don’t treat everything in life as a task; you should know you are getting nourishment from it. You feel very happy when you enjoy your job or your life. Even if bearing a mission, you should enjoy that mission.


As the saying goes, “happy or not, one lives only once, so why not live happily?” It is definitely true. Whether you are happy or not, what will come will come, what will leave will leave. Why not retain your inner peace and enjoy the present moment? We should know that being alive itself is something to be cheered. So many emperors and generals in history had tried every means to live forever but in vain. Now that we are alive, why not enjoy every minute of it?


When you are walking, feel the pleasure of walking. When you are alone, feel the pleasure of being alone. Feel the pleasure, observe it, enjoy it, whatever you are doing at any given moment. One’s mind is like a mirror, which reflects everything in this world faithfully but remains unaffected. This way, you will feel happier and happier. Nobody and nothing can steal your happiness away. Moreover, this happiness is not conditional; you don’t have to make compensation for equal value.


Some people hope that their better half is happy. They comfort her, compliment her, and buying her lots of presents, but their efforts bring her only temporary pleasure. Why is that? Because they themselves are not happy, because they themselves can’t give up many things. Therefore, it is only natural that they fail to light their better half’s mind with the brightness of wisdom.


To change a person, you have to change his mind. It doesn’t mean brainwashing him or pouring your ideas into his mind by force. It is illuminating his mind with the brightness of your life so that he also possesses that brightness.


We must learn to control our minds whatever we do. Bitter or joyous, enjoy your life. Enjoy it even though there is anxiety and affliction. You should always bear this in mind: everything that is before your eyes at the moment will disappear soon.


As long as your parents are alive, it is a good thing, even if they have afflictions. Once they have left us, nothing would bring them back again – even if you no longer mind their troubling you. Liangzhou people often say: “Parents are oil lamps lit in front of Buddha, and once blown out they disappear forever.” Once you figure this out, you will always be happy even when you see your parents in affliction. That’s why we often talk about learning to cherish everything around us.


To be alive itself is happiness. Your father and mother were united by lots of causes and conditions and they gave birth to you. You grew up safely and healthily and began to manage your life. These things are not easy. My father was gone forever. How I wish I could hear again my father and mother quarreling. Sometimes, quarreling can be a very happy thing, as it is an evidence of existence – you are still alive. But life and all these evidences disappear very soon. So do our bodies. The essence of life is filling up the vast void with your behavior. Besides the significance and value of your conduct, what you can leave to this world is nothing but your images in photos, the deeds you have done, the several books you have written, and the experiences in which you have brought people to understanding and happiness.


When you can look at this world you’re your true mind, peacefully and without thought of material gain, you will gradually find yourself enjoying things you haven’t noticed before. Then, your life will be of quite another savor. Whatever taste life brings to you, just enjoy it. Try your best to do what you should do. When it is done, just remain calm and don’t expect it bring you satisfaction. Don’t do things for the sake of satisfaction. Whether successful or not, receive the result with a hearty laugh. This way, you will be very happy. What can’t be buried won’t be buried, and bubbles will always be bubbles. The results will never be affected by your moods.


Let me give you an example. There is a public speaker who is 24 years old. The young man gives speeches everywhere and the audiences applaud his stirring words time and time again. However, when his speech is over, the applause also ceases. If there is nothing unique in one’s speech, the applause and glory will disappear like bubbles. Not a single trace will be left in the current of time. Those things disappear much faster than his body. Everything will die with the human memory.


The people I’ve met before have all been touched by me or have changed. For one thing, my way of life is good enough. So I suggest that you think about the principle. Don’t be anxious. Be healthy and safe. Live peacefully. Do what you should do diligently and don’t be lazy. Do your best and pay no attention to the result. If you do well, then you have reason to be happy; if you don’t do well, it doesn’t matter. What you can do is try your best. Take this attitude and keep it, and you will live a calm and carefree life.


The highest state of a person is desiring nothing. The realized ones desire nothing. That’s why a sage has no dreams. As he has no desire, although he has done lots of things, it seems as if he has done nothing. The Buddha had lectured on the sutras for more than forty years, but he hadn’t said a word, for he had no attachment to what he had said.




Translated by non-professional volunteers, there would be some inaccuracies in the translation. You are welcome to offer us some advice for emendation. Please feel free to contact us.We also look forward to you joining our voluntary translation team.


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