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The Essence of Mahamudra

2012-09-13 17:07 来源:Mahamudra: Essence and Practice 作者:Xue Mo Translator:Jinying Han Reviser:Agnes Zhao Yuan 浏览:59652688

Mahamudra: Essence and Practice ( Book II)

 The Essence of Mahamudra

Yixin Chen: Is Mahamudra confined to Buddhism?

XuemoMahamudra originated from Buddhism, yet it has surpassed the confines of Buddhism. I have a new definition of Mahamudra, which has won approval from many. In light of mind, vision, heart, and aspiration, “maha-” means great, while “-mudra” literally means “hand seal.” As “hand” represents engagement, it implies one must embody great heart, great aspiration, great mind, and great vision in actions. “Seal” refers to the primordial wisdom, which is luminous, empty in nature, and it is at once spontaneous empathy and ultimate transcendence. Mahamudra is not merely religious wisdom; rather, it can manifest itself as a certain vision of life, a certain attitude to life, a certain mode of behavior, a certain principal of engagement, a certain bearing in life, and a certain quest for spirituality. Mahamudra is the wisdom inherent in humanity. As the Chan school of Buddhism puts it, within each person lies an innate luminous pearl that is enwrapped in worldly impurities; as one wipes clean the impurities, needless to say, its radiance gleams. Such a process of purification is known as austerity practice.

As a matter of fact, the essence of Buddhism is harmony, which allows connection between one’s body and mind and establishes one’s close rapport with society and the world. But nowadays, there is a certain prejudice against religion that is grounded in misunderstanding. Some perceive negativity in Buddhism, thinking that they need to dodge the world and stay away from the crowd. In fact, such a view is due to the acceptance of some inferior, vulgarized interpretations of Buddhist doctrines as the entirety of Buddhism. For example, many think that the aim of Buddhist practices is to seek divine blessings for personal material gains, which is indeed awfully self-serving. Believers like these come in large numbers; they conduct themselves in a businesslike manner, hoping to receive huge benefit on a tiny offering. Consequently, such a mind-set engenders misunderstanding about Buddhism.

The very essence of Buddhism is the wisdom of transcendence, such as the philosophies of Mahamudra and the Chan school. The achievers of Buddhist practice have already surpassed the self-serving mind-set, so much so that things of the mundane world have little value to them, but just like the tip of the pyramid, there are very few of them. Nevertheless, the transcending and non-self-serving wisdom is not necessarily recognized by the world because, after all, what the majority of people need is material gains.

What’s so pathetic about human beings is that they need a savior, a divine being that offers blessings, a personified God who can bestow on them well-being, good fortune, job promotion, and abundant wealth. On the contrary, being non-theistic, Buddhism aims at smashing such concepts. For Ch’an practitioners, as they reach the advanced meditative state, they will sweep away all rising illusions, including that of buddhas as well as that of evil demons. When impurities like brutality, greed, enmity, ignorance and all sorts of cravings are removed, one’s nature becomes identical to that of buddhas and bodhisattvas. Such a philosophy was expressed by Laozi in his Tao Te Ching. Laozi said, “Seeking knowledge increases samsaric cravings, seeking awakening decreases samsaric cravings, decreases down to the state of inertia, where the state of inertia accomplishes all.” Buddhist cultivation is precisely a process of clearing away spiritual filth, rubbish, habitual patterns, and cravings. In the situation where people’s view of religion is affected, it is the result of certain cults’ embezzlement of Buddhist and other religions’ terminology. In fact, there are two aspects of religion: the first is self-examination and the second is yearning, yearning for an existence that is greater than humanity. The way of self-examination might not be the same among religions; nevertheless, the significance is similar, such as the practice of confession in Christianity. However, due to misconception, people always feel that religious introspection is odd.

As a matter of fact, religion is much needed in this age. Instead of shackling ourselves with dregs of religion, we nourish our spirit by assimilating the essence of religion. This way, religion becomes exceptionally meaningful. 

This is me; to this day I am neither a follower nor a believer of any religion. I always say: don’t relegate me to an insignificant sect, or to the great Buddhism, or to lots and lots of religions. This is not the case; I am not a follower of a religion. I am merely a truth upholder; there is neither sectarian nor national limitation. All of humanity’s outstanding phenomena are my nourishment and they will not be turned into shackles or ropes to bundle up my spirit. In order to allow myself to be as “vast” as can be, I have encompassed everything as my nourishment. To be truly free and liberated, shackles, limitations, and spirit constraining factors must all be smashed.

Therefore, Mahamudra is precisely what allows us to live under the guidance of a particular insight. As one reaches a certain state of awakening, we may then call it the penetration of Mahamudra. For example, in the case of the Buddha holding up a flower and Kasyapa smiling, it represents the Buddha’s particular state of awakening, which can be experienced by another person, and then that person is considered to be corresponding to the Buddha’s mind. This is known as mind-to-mind transmission or mind-to-mind seal.     


Translated by non-professional volunteers, there would be some inaccuracies in the translation. You are welcome to offer us some advice for emendation. Please feel free to contact us.We also look forward to you joining our voluntary translation team.

Please contact us at suonanzhuoma1988@163.com, thank you.

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