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Illusory body greed anger self-dissolving(6)

2012-07-08 04:57 来源:Mahamudra: Essence and Practice 作者:Xue Mo Translator:WanPeng Sun 浏览:59987199


Illusory body greed anger self-dissolving(6)


Before formally meditating the vajra illusory body, its preliminary practice should first be meditated. There are three meditation methods for preliminary practice according to different roots.


1) Upper root: meditate Guru Yoga as preliminary practice. The detailed meditation methods are omitted. Meditating according to that, enlightenment will arise soon.


This dharma contains Guru Yoga meditation and ‘all like illusory’ meditation, and the essence of the Vajrayana path is here. Upper roots with sharp wisdom should specifically meditate according to this, then all Daos will be achieved very soon.


Wisdom Now Achieving Tantra states:


In the steps of meditating bhumi,


Visualise and sincerely believe throughout the years and months


Keep Guru’s image perpetually in the heart, all Buddha stay before him

Niguma also said:


The five daos and ten bhumi, can be surpassed by sincere belief,


Keep Guru’s image perpetually in the heart, deep secret essence is this!


2) Middle root: in preliminary practice, uninterruptedly meditate the present and emptiness without difference of the Buddha body and visualize that everything is like illusions. In the preliminary practice, Guru Yoga is meditated in the same way as done by upper roots. Then there is a section of visualization, the detailed contents of which are omitted. If meditating like this cannot lead to the qualifying enlightenment that all dharma is dream and illusory, then the yogi belongs to the lower root, and should meditate the preliminary practice as below.


3) The preliminary practice that should be meditated by lower root:


Visualize oneself as Yidam, visualize guru on top, pray with all one’s strength, pray to lineage guru of every generation, refuge and set up heart. After this, visualisation of receiving the four empowerments etc is the same as that done by upper roots.


Then visualize below navel chakra (to the bottom end of the central nadi) there are six inverted pyramids laying up and down…, after visualizing like this, think:

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