What the world needs is not only contribution behaviors, but also the spirit of contribution.
【每日如学】 世界需要的不仅仅是贡献的行为本身,也需要贡献的精神,这种精神会化为灯塔,为很多找不到人生方向的人指明前进的路,让他们也融入照亮世界的大光明,融入让世界变得更美的正能量。 雪漠 著《雪漠智慧课程》 What the world needs is not only contribution behaviors, but also the spirit of contribution.This spirit is like a beacon, which will point out the way forward for many people who cannot find the direction of their life, and let them become a part of those spreading positivity to makes the world more beautiful. Xue Mo
What do we mean by "inaction"?
每日如学】 什么是“无为”?不勉强自己达到某种目的,也不执著于什么东西,就叫无为。 雪漠 著《雪漠智慧课程》 What do we mean by "inaction"? If you don't force yourself to achieve a certain goal or become attached to something, it is called inaction. Xue Mo
Understand what you really want in your life and spend your whole life achieving it
【每日如学】 如何随缘?随顺世间规则,但明白自己这辈子需要什么,并且用尽一生心力去实现它,就是随缘。 雪漠 著《雪漠智慧课程》 What does it mean to accept what comes according to circumstances? It means that you should follow worldly rules, and meanwhile understand what you really want in your life, and then spend your whole life achieving it. Xue Mo
One's value is always created by one's own behaviors
【每日如学】 人的价值永远都是自己的行为创造的,什么样的人,就必然能创造什么样的价值。 雪漠 著《雪漠智慧课程》 One's value is always created by one's own behaviors, and what kind of person you are decides what kind of value you can create. Xue Mo
The construction of family culture is very important
【每日如学】 家庭文化建设非常重要,优秀的家庭文化建设会让孩子受益一生,错误的家庭文化建设会让孩子万劫不复。 雪漠 著《雪漠智慧课程》 [Ru Xue Daily] The construction of family culture is very important. Excellent family culture construction will benefit children for a lifetime, while wrong family culture construction will make children go astray. Xue Mo
The world is a reflection of one's mind.
【每日如学】 2023年5月23日 心决定了世界,我们觉得谁顺眼或不顺眼,都一定是心里的某个东西在起作用,一切都要从自己心上找原因。 雪漠 著《雪漠智慧课程》 May 23, 2023 The world is a reflection of one's mind. Therefore, when one likes or dislikes somebody, one should know that it arises from one's inner world, and should find the root reason from one's mind. Xue Mo
Whether it's pain or anxiety, just leave it alone.
【每日如学】 痛苦也罢,焦虑也罢,都不要紧,不去管它就好了。当你不去管它时,念头自己就破灭了。 雪漠 著《雪漠智慧课程》 [Ru Xue Daily] It doesn't matter whether it's pain or anxiety. Just leave it alone. When you ignore it, it will be gone by itself. Xue Mo
Those who have wisdom must find a proper way to give it to someone who needs it
【每日如学】 2023年5月21日 要知道,智慧不是苹果,不可能直接拿给别人,智者必须找到一种合适的方法,才能把它送给需要它的人。 雪漠 著《雪漠智慧课程》 May 21, 2023 You should know that wisdom is not like an apple. It cannot be physically given to others. Those who have wisdom must find a proper way to give it to someone who needs it. Xue Mo
It is your overall action that embodies your value as a person
【每日如学】 世界永远不在乎你怎么说、怎么想,而在乎你怎么做,你行为的总和在体现着你的价值。 雪漠 著《雪漠智慧课程》 [Ru Xue Daily] The world does not care about what you say or what you think. It only cares about what you do, for it is your overall action that embodies your value as a person. Xue Mo
Romantic love is essentially a form of attachment
【每日如学】 2023年5月20日 爱情的本质就是执著。当一个人爱上另一个人时,肯定不希望他爱上其他人,只允许他爱自己。有爱情必然有执著。 雪漠 著《雪漠智慧课程》 May 20, 2023 Romantic love is essentially a form of attachment. When you fall in love with another person, you do not want that person to fall in love with anyone but you yourself. Romantic love necessarily comes with attachment. Xue Mo